Are you on Twitter?

I said I never would but, of course, I did…. Start Tweeting.  I only joined last night, so still trying to find my way around and fathom what people do on it. Image

Do any of my fellow-bloggers also have twitter profiles?

If so…

What do you use it for?

Do you advertise your blog/posts through twitter?

Do you just tweet random things on your mind?

When you tweet, do all of your followers see it automatically?

And, lastly…

ImageWould you like to share tweets (become followers, I think it’s called)?

My twitter address is at the top of this post…. Well, I think that’s the address, anyway!

Happy tweeting!!Image

30 thoughts on “Are you on Twitter?

  1. Cate Reddell

    Hi Cat. I only really use Twitter to share my posts. I do it through publicise so that it happens automatically. I probably should use it more, but I just can’t get into it. And telling a writer to limit themselves to 140 characters is just crazy. That said, I hope you find it better than me. 🙂


  2. Susan Irene Fox

    Cat, I usually use it to post uplifting thoughts/Scripture. Also created a list (find it in List in the left margin) of folks I follow every day). You’re now on it. My twitter account is @susanirenefox . WordPress, if you have widgets, will automatically twitter a link to your new WordPress post. (Look on your WordPress Dashboard, go to widgets.) See you there.


  3. releasing lunacy

    Answer to questions: Yes. It’s my social life. Yes. Yes. Yes, your follows will see what you tweet… actually anyone can see what you tweet if they visit your profile unless you lock it. (Mine’s locked at the moment because of annoying real life me being paranoid over something… but normally it’s not.) When you have the @….. only that person and any mutual followers will see the tweet unless they go to your profile page. You can send a DM -direct message if you want to say something privately.

    Twitter seems a bit boring in the beginning and it was really hard for me to get used to the 140 character limit. But, once you make a circle(s) of friends, it’s actually sort of enjoyable. You quickly get to know folks and their personalities. Inside jokes develop. Goofiness sometimes prevails. Great way to get nearly immediate support when sad. Great way to vent to the universe when annoyed. (Sometimes the universe -followers- answers back!) It does take a little bit of time and effort finding people.

    Pepper wants to pee… actually she probably wants to eat… but I just fed her… so she’s not getting anything! 🙂


    1. Cat Post author

      Hi RL. Well it’s you who is being held responsible for my selling my soul to another social web site! Thanks for your rundown. One thing I didn’t grasp was the @. Is that @just before the username? That looks fairly standard for every tweet


  4. Chatte Nocturne

    I tweet both my posts and any casual thoughts that cross my mind, I’ve also set up a FB account for my blogger profile (where I only have blogger friends -or contacts- where I can sometimes talk about blog-related issues that will not make it into full-blown posts). I just followed you and my nickname’s the same so you’ll know who I am.

    P.S. As you might have noticed, between yesterday and today I read all of your posts. I didn’t want to comment individually on them as they talked about things you’ve already dealt with and I have no idea if you’d like to re-candle the discussion of them. But I just want to say I’m glad I found your blog both because it’s helping me reconnect with my own, and because you’re a brave blogger whose building community.

    I hope you have a nice week. (I’ll be sending my best wishes for Jack) xx


    1. Cat Post author

      Hi Chatte… Thanks for your feedback on Twitter. I am just about to go on shortly, so will look out for you.

      I have been noticing you reading my blog. I cannot tell you how chuffed I feel that you find it worthy of reading so much of it. I am happy to discuss anything on my blog. They are all “live issues” that swirl around my head daily.

      I am pleased we found each other’s blogs. I hope you will find “enthusiasm” for writing again. Often this is easier said than done; especially if we are not feeling very good.

      It is such a compliment for you to say, “you’re a brave blogger who is building community”. Many thanks, Chatte.


    1. Cat Post author

      Many thanks MSH. I feel a bit like you – I don’t “get it” – and I feel the same about Facebook, but no doubt, I will open an account there too. It would be good to build a community to share thoughts as well as new posts. I will be signing onto Twitter after dinner, so will follow you.


  5. findingmyinnercourage

    This is an excellent Blog. I have not tried Twitter but it’s on my bucket list. It took me three months to figure out WordPress . . . three months before I was up and running and could actually post my first Blog! I loved reading this!


    1. Cat Post author

      I am blushing at your compliment, thank you so much .

      It is taking me 3 months to get used to WordPress and I still don’t know how to do certain things. I thought joining Twitter would be a good way of connecting with others and for tweeting my latest posts. I always said that I wouldn’t join Twitter or Facebook. Maybe I will see you on Twitter someday soon!

      Thanks for your comment, much appreciated


  6. Gel

    No I’m not into Twitter (or FB).
    Not interested in adding another thing like that. It took me a long time to start using the computer for just doing emails. Then It took me 6 months of reading only blogs before I started mine. And there is still a lot about WP and how to fine tune my blog that I have yet to figure out.
    I’ve never had a cell phone either.
    I hope you keep this blog going though.


    1. Cat Post author

      I must be the only person with a cell phone (we call em “mobiles”) who leaves it at home when I go out. I cannot bare the intrusion, so only use it for sending texts to Scotland.

      I’m also still trying to work things out on WordPress. Twitter is mind boggling, but I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it. There are so many familiar names… it is nice to interact.

      Thanks for persevering with posting your comment. Hope you are doing okay


  7. thaygoulart

    First time stopping by at your blog! Nice post, I am not on Twitter, I actually have an account and tried to use it for a while but I just can’t. I think it makes people more addicted to the social media too 😮 I like Facebook, really do. Have fun using it!


  8. Cheryl @ Stop The Stigma

    That is so smart to leave your mobile at home. When I forget my mobile at home, I feel so liberated! I do carry it with me with my long shifts and family cannot reach me otherwise as I work on a crisis line and no way to get me. My children know they can text me and my ringer I put to the sound of keyboard typing (Im quite proud having found that) Twitter I don’t use except to post the link to my posts and I occasionally read news on Twitter. I find Twitter and Facebook redundant but that’s me. And with my new found love or addiction to WordPress and writing (I have another blog), I am 90% more on WordPress. I adverstise my posts on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.


    1. Cat Post author

      Hi Cheryl… Thanks for your comment.

      I have tried connecting to one of your blogs a number of times over recent weeks but never had success.

      I tend to agree about FB and Twitter and have found blogging on WordPress one of the most satisfying experiences. Not only do I love writing, but also the connection with others is invaluable.


        1. Cat Post author

          I can connect to your blog by clicking on the pic, which diverts to your profile and then I can connect with your blogs. However, clicking on the name beside your profile pic never works for me
          Blessing to you too!


    2. Cat Post author

      PS if I try connecting to your blog via your name at the top of your comment, wordpress do not seem to recognise it. mmmm that’s confusing


      1. Cheryl @ Stop The Stigma

        Awww I’ll check that to make sure it’s okay. that shd work…I am slowly just going to use Stigma and try to fit in all my topics onto one blog…any ideas, comments …I am open to suggestions but I do want to fit it onto one blog…I am disorganized enough as it is…sigh but I have another blog with a pseudonym that keeps me right busy too.


        1. Cat Post author

          Blogging can take up a huge amount of our time. I would say stick with one. Two is okay if they are entirely different content. But, hey, I’m entirely new to blogging, so a bit clueless. If someone I follow has too many posts and topics, it is difficult for my frazzled brain to keep up and appreciate the detail of each posts.



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