Category Archives: Flash Fiction

Anabella’s Stalker

This week’s challenge from Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writer’s is to write 150/175 wordswpid-photo-20150315214704572 using this photo prompt.


Anabella looked up at her favourite gallery. She visited the coffee shop inside every day at 2pm, despite the creepy comments about “stalking the gallery” from fellow-blogger, “Lazy Mick.”

‘Lazy Mick, what a strange name for a blog’, Anabella thought, ‘more like Crazy Prick’.

Anabella plonked into her favourite seat beneath the oval stain glass window, removing her iPad while inhaling the aroma of hardwood floors and coffee. This was a perfect place for catching up with comments. She loved her blogs name, Ella’s Oval Window.

The Waitress already knew Anabella’s regular order, but wondered why she didn’t join the odd-looking male friend who was sitting alone in the corner and had just paid for her lunch.

Anabella was so mesmerised by the beautiful colours in the window, she didn’t notice the other customers coming and going, or the Waitress approaching.

“Good afternoon, Anabella, put your purse away, no need today, your gentleman friend has already paid.”

As the Waitress turned to point to the strange man, he was already gone.

173 words