Human Acts of Kindness

Firstly, please allow me to apologise.  These last few days, I seem to be falling off the Imageradar.  My mental health has not exactly been in a bad place, but it is not that good either.  Sometimes, I do not realise just how unwell I’ve been until afterwards.  I’m kind of aware of being rather hyper, a bit pedantic and paranoid.

I usually read and reply to my blog traffic and comment on other people’ blogs every day.  It seems odd not to have had that in my daily routine these past couple of days.

Blogging has been my rock and I find myself pining to get online to communicate with blogging-friends – who have been such a huge part of my recovery.  But, my brain has been shutting down.

I value all our acts of kindness as we reach out to one another in a very special way.  Very often that kindness can come to mean everything to people who are isolated in their mental health, like me.

In the park where I walk Jack, there is another act of human kindness that I see almost every day.  For five-years, an anonymous person leaves nicely wrapped presents hanging from various trees.

ImageThis is a photo of one of the presents from yesterday.  It is a ball for a dog.  There is another photo of a different present further down, which was a ball on a rope for a dog.  The variety and thought that goes into the presents makes it even more special.

Previous presents from our anonymous tree angel include, baby clothes, child toys, even some wool and knitting needles.  Last week there was a book called, “having your first baby”.  I will photograph more in the coming weeks.

This person’s acts of kindness are so special, they really touch my heart.

I’m a great believer of what you give, you receive.  If you put out good things, good things will come to you.  I don’t interpret that as materialistic.  I see it more on a spiritual level.

There is a gentleman, who could be the tree angel.  He is not a worker, just your average man who is also offering his act of human kindness by keeping the park looking clean of litter.  I see him regularly, walking around with his litter picker and sack full of rubbish, but he never looks for as much of a thank you.Image

Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post.  Tomorrow, I will reply to the comments and, of course, visit my regular blog-chums.

50 thoughts on “Human Acts of Kindness

  1. myspokenheart

    This touched me Cat. I love the idea of leaving little ‘secret angel’ presents out and about… you got the wheels in my head turning – which may be scary, for as of late I have been feeling like the hamster is very tired… I too haven’t been around as much as I like so if I have missed some of your posts etc, I apologize… *hugz*


    1. Cat Post author

      Never any need to apologise for not reading posts. I haven’t actually written many. I hope you manage to find some rest. Pleased you like the thought of secret trea Angel.


  2. vicbriggs

    What a wonderful story, Cat, thank you for sharing. You need never apologise for taking some time away. We are always here when you come back. I loved your tree angel, and look forward to more pictures of the gifts. This is the last story I am reading today before turning in for the night, and I can’t think of a better one to finish the day on.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend ahead, and many more human kindness adventures in the days, weeks and years to come.
    Sweet dreams xx


    1. Cat Post author

      I hope the thought gave you a pleasant nights rest.. I do try to remember my camera when I go there but I will post more pics


  3. Eric Tonningsen

    The fact that you chose to write about this and how it touches you (and many of us!), is encouragement on display. I am heartened by your uplifting post. Thank you for sharing random kindness with us!


  4. dharmagoddess


    You sweetheart you! Thanks for making me smile. I loved this story!

    Don’t worry about being caught up [or not] with blogging. We all end up feeling “blogging behind” sometimes but I try to remind myself that this is my outlet, my therapy, not an obligation.

    Good to hear from you, as always. Keep being the sweetheart you are!

    ❤ Dharma


  5. GFixated

    It’s no shame in your mental illness sweetie and it’s ok if you’re away for awhile. I did wonder why I didn’t see you on (as usual), but it’s fine (just one of those days). Sending some island love and hugs. Peace from Jamaica


  6. Susan Irene Fox

    Beloved Cat, sometimes we all just need some time, some solitude, some time away from the crowd. I didn’t comment on your Burn Your Bridges post, but wrote a post in response about on my blog. Love you, and agree with everyone else here who loves you for you – no apologies needed.


  7. Gel

    Thanks for sharing about the tree angel….how lovely. It sounds like a fun thing to do….putting gifts out for others. Even those who don’t take the gifts, will just see it and get the gift of seeing that someone is doing this.

    And like others have said, it’s fine that you have some days of now blogging around. We’ll love it when you come back. Blogging has been a rock for me too and I value the friends I’ve made through blogs. I agree that the kindness and care given is precious. Thanks for acknowledging this.


    1. Cat Post author

      Thank you Gel. I have never taken any of the presents, but it gives me more pleasure just seeing that kind act. I talk to other dog walking friends, but no one has ever seen who places the gifts or who takes them.


    1. Cat Post author

      Awe, that is soooo very sweet, thank you for the nomination. Every time I see a gift, it restores my faith in humanity… not everyone are gits!!


  8. Cate Reddell

    Hi Cat. I just wrote you a comment to say I am struggling with commenting at the moment, but I am still reading and appreciating your words. But then I lost that comment somehow (the irony!). That ecard though has to be done by someone with BPD. That’s my excuse anyway. Take care.


    1. Cate Reddell

      Ok so this ended in the wrong place. It comes from writing a comment on my phone after I have taken my meds (I think). Apologies. It should have been on your post about burning bridges, but then hopefully you worked that out and just excused me. :\


    2. Cat Post author

      I feel BPD is the reason for most of my struggle. Thank you, Cate, I understand where you are. I have noticed you weren’t posting on your own blog, but I’m sure I read something from you on Canvas minds (probably got that name wrong!). I hope you will be feeling better soon…. it’s tough, but people like you make my struggle feel lighter ;0)


  9. RisingSong

    What an amazing and beautiful story. It certainly brightened my day. What a touching way to reach out to others…in such a selfless way as to remain anonymous…such kindness. Thanks for sharing this.

    It’s good to have you back 🙂


  10. vicbriggs

    I am not quite sure what happened with my previous reply. It appears to have vanished into thin air.
    I just wanted to let you know, Cat, that even thought sometimes you may not believe it, you bring sunshine into your readers’ hearts, and this is why I have nominated you for an award 🙂


      1. Cat Post author

        Well, thank you Vic, you are very sweet. Only one prob, that link you gave is for my own blog! Lol…not too sure what the award is but I am chuffed all the same


  11. notmygrandma

    What a wonderful idea! Secret Tree Angels! I cannot wait to share this with my young daughters and see where their borderless childlike minds take it…thank you for sharing 🙂


    1. Cat Post author

      Not you for dropping by. I love the entire idea of the Tree Angels and will look out for more presents to photograph in the future


  12. releasing lunacy

    What an awesome thing to do and such a nice thing to witness! I’m glad you have this person in your area and you’re able to benefit from seeing this kindness firsthand. I’m sorry you’ve been struggling some lately. Me too. I can’t believe how many posts from people I’ve missed during the past two weeks!!! I’m trying to catch up 😀 Hope you’re taking care! -rl



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